Research in Action: 2019 APM Vendor Analysis

Photo by Anna Nekrashevich from Pexels

GreenLight Group does not have permission to redistribute the analyst reports shared. However, we have provided links to a vendor's website with distribution rights to the analyst reports.

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Research in Action is a group of experienced independent industry analysts who assist buyers of technology to understand who the leading potential suppliers are for their organization’s project. Research in Action believes the only thing that matters is what the market perceives about vendors. The reports that they conduct are heavily supported by market research to inform their insights and projections about the market.

Research in Action collects the information for their analysis by regularly surveying businesses across the world on their experiences with top-20 global technology suppliers.

The results from the evaluation consist of supplier feedback, customer opinions, information available to the public, and the opinions of the analysts conducting the research. However, Research in Action makes note that the results of their evaluation consist of 60% from customer surveys and 40% from analyst opinion. The percentage of analyst input is significantly less than other assessments conducted. Once the data is collected and evaluated, Research in Action creates a matrix showing where each vendor stands in the market based on strategy and execution. They also provide an overview of each technology supplier assessed that includes a general outline of the company, the go-to-market strategy, the execution to its customers, a customer quote from the surveys conducted, and a conclusion for IT professionals considering the vendor.

Research in Action labels Micro Focus as a Market Leader and ranks them as 6th out of the top 20 global technology vendors in its 2019 report.

Micro Focus’ Operations Bridge is mentioned in the results as a “center stage solution by providing a consolidated view that includes that of applications and business services”. Micro Focus’s implementation strategy is recognized for having the ability to include all stakeholders in the planning and delivery of the solution to establish a common understanding. Research in Action makes note of Micro Focus’ good rehabilitation of IT Operations Management (ITOM). Micro Focus has also been recognized for having a very loyal customer base due to high levels of customer satisfaction. Customers site that Micro Focus’s specialized sales teams are focused on helping customers understand the deep and broad set of its capabilities within IT operations management assets.

See the Research in Action report here

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